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Greetings from Tulsa, OK!

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    Greetings from Tulsa, OK!

    Sorry I'm late for the party. I'm Tom from Tulsa. Born in '65, so I grew up with flip (and eventually early LED/Fluorescent) clock radios all around me, but didn't have any from my youth. I did, however, recently trip across a used Panasonic RC-6025 for $3 at a local thrift store. I'm in the process of restoring it from it's previous VERY dingy and yellowed condition, and need to solder in a replacement light. I'll post up some before/after shots when I'm done. I used a Retrobright-offshoot recipe to restore the ivory knobs almost completely back to white. Results have been amazing. The case, which was less yellowed responded really well too. I'd be happy to discuss with anyone the process/recipe that I used, as well as post up "in progress" shots of each stage.

    The GE was my ex-wife's Grandfather's clock, who passed away. She spent her Summers with her grandparents, and slept next to this very flip clock (actually, a rolling cube clock) every night. Surprisingly the light and scratchy radio still works on this one, but the clock never moves. Will be pulling one apart soon and trying to get it up and working 100%.

    Glad you're here Tom!

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