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Bonjour de Montreal

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    Bonjour de Montreal

    Hello everybody, I forgot to introduce myself,so rude of me! Well, as my name states I am a collector, a chaotic one, but not a hoarder! I am interested in mechanisms, mostly typewriters and clocks. It is just amazing how much you can fix just by cleaning a mechanism and making some basic adjustments. My knowledge is limited, and I am no expert in restoration but I do like to fiddle with screwdrivers, brushes, alcohol and clean gummed up machines and give them life. I fund the youtube channel and I am surprised how much good material is on it as well as how little views are!!! maybe one day I can say, I was watching those videos when it only had 200 views I will be bringing all the flip clocks I find to the forum to share them with you.

    Welcome to FCF. Yes, flip clocks are a bit of a niche interest for some, but for others they are a fun thing to hunt for and also fix and restore. Many times, people have an interest in horology and then they start looking for clocks to collect.

    And then they get hooked!


      Well, second day, second clock, it seems that flip clocks don´t have the hype of typewriters and even both are as common household items and industrially produced it sounds like flip clocks don´t have that much value after all, good for us I guess!


        Welcome aboard!

