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2 questions about battery powered flip clocks with quartz movement

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    2 questions about battery powered flip clocks with quartz movement

    I found evidence that there are battery powered flip clocks with quartz movement that are quiet / do not noticeably tick:

    - ultra quiet! Its ticking like a modern quartz clock but it's barely audible.
    https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1345...nla_listing_de tails

    There is an electric motor running constantly which makes a very quiet, but still audible whirring. There is also a very slight click every minute when it flips to the next number. I'm sitting maybe four feet or so from it right now and I cannot hear it at all. Perhaps I wouldn't keep it by the bed but everywhere else is just fine.

    That leaves me with 2 questions...

    Question 1:

    Do all battery powered flip clocks with quartz movement
    (especially those from copal, seiko/lorus, citizen) use the same quartz movement? (Or at least not noticably ticking ones)

    I'm asking since there are different types of quartz movements. Some of them tick noticably and some of them dont.

    Question 2:

    I noticed that all except 1 battery powered flip clock with quartz movement that i found
    are 12h am/pm variants.

    https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1163...listing_detail s

    So are all models available as both 12h and 24h or is the linked Copal QP-250 pretty much the only one?
    Which models (battery powered, quartz movement) are available as 24h variant?​

    So i did way more research and bought a Citizen 8rd102. This is definitely one of, if not the greatest flip clock with alarm there is.
    - Battery powered (So it works all over the world and you can easily move it without readjusting time, no strong EMF aswell)
    - No permanent light
    - No ticking, its silent (Except once every minute when it changes the "time plate" but its not an annoying noise)

    It has a small control LED that flashes every second. (I knew that)
    I just got the clock today and start using it tonight. But If that LED is annoying i will just remove it, no big deal. (Its soldered on to the PCB, i know that from pictures i found on the internet)

    The only drawback is they painted the digits in yellow/greenish fluorscence paint instead of white. I think traditional white digits on black background would look even better.​


    If you want a very quiet/non noticeably ticking flip clock with alarm feature and without permanent light look for a
    Citizen, Seiko or Copal brand unit with Quartz movement. Those are usually battery powered but i think that's an advantage anyway.

    The Copal 703 also has all these attributes but has a permanent light and is socket powered.
    If you're handy you can modify it with a light switch as i did (Look up the other threads i started)

    Regarding Question 2: I've seen one from copal with 24h format. I think there are some from copal but they are really rare.
    Dont know and think Seiko or Citizen made them in 24h format because those have only been sold in japan and maybe usa.

