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Discs Not fully Flipping

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    Discs Not fully Flipping

    I have just purchased a lovely Plato flip clock and works great except when the minutes are released they do not completely flip to the other side. I notice that there are two higher feet at the front which gives it a tilt but feel may have to have one short and one higher leg on the same side to make it lean slightly to the left to make the plate flip fully. Am I correct or would appreciate any help as don't want to start pulling the case off to turn the bottom if this is not the remedy. Thanks

    It is definitely not supposed to lean to the left. It is supposed to lean back.
    You may need to adjust the post that has the tile hold backs on it (for the minute and the hour) So that when the tile is released it has a bit of a spring to it. That would be done by loosening the post and turning it slightly. That, plus the backwards tilt should give it enough boost to make it to the other side.
    Also, you need to make sure that the "hand" on the bottom freely moves up and down so that the tile can swing past it.

    Here's a video I just made for you.

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    • Sandra Cluley
      Sandra Cluley commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks so much for you help and will definitely give a go as is releasing fine and otherwise working. )))))

    Just an update that your advice has worked and is going like a charm now ))) Appreciate your help and am so pleased was able to solve the issue with your help. Happy flip clocking

