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Namco 8RD102 with fluorescent numerals

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    Namco 8RD102 with fluorescent numerals

    This little battery operated Namco came up on eBay a couple of weeks ago. I had suspicion that the numbers would fluoresce under uv light. I was correct. It does have a small 1.5V grain-of-wheat bulb that actually works reasonably well but the last photo shows what it could be with uv black light.

    The case isn't great at all but the clock works very well. It keeps excellent time and the chirping alarm works properly too.

    I am trying to think of what to do with it. The cards don't fit a Copal as they are wider.

    Suggestions anyone?

    It looks suspiciously look a Citizen that I have... The case is slightly different, the tabs are the same and the buttons on top seem to be on exactly the same spot. I never noticed with mine that the numbers are fluorescent. I'll check, but don't think they are...

