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The one that (almost) got away!

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    The one that (almost) got away!

    This was one of those clocks that had been bugging for good some time now, up to a point that I had just let go of it, thinking that it was displayed in the sales leaflet but never actually sold to the public; the Copal model 229 in Charcoal grey!

    I was browsing Ebay (in the UK) awhile ago and came across a listing for (what I thought was) a black 229 and I thought 'hey, that is cool, I can't remember the last time I saw one of these' and put in a bid and ended up winning the clock. When I got it in, it still had not gotten through to me until my wife saw the clock and asked whether it was supposed to be black or grey... That got me thinking and when you look at it in a certain light, it indeed is grey!! I found a Copal model 229 in Charcoal grey! I was over the moon when I realized what I had there, in my hands. For someone not into flip clocks it is probably the most trivial thing they heard in weeks, but for me this is/was a big deal. This is one of those Copal clocks that you have seen a picture of or perhaps have heard of, but have never actually owned, held or seen for real!
    One more to tick off of the list I suppose.

    It is fully restored now and working 200%. Not sure what I am going to do with it, perhaps replace the red model 707 currently on my nightstand and after that... oh well, I'll probably end up selling it because I am not a collector.

    Just wanted to share this and also show that a 'charcoal model 229' is not a myth, they are real (just like unicorns!)

    PS with regard to the production year/date being deductable from the 'serial number' on the bottom, this one does not follow that pattern so it seems.

    Congratulations Robert! That is a rare find and a good looking clock

