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Sony Digimatic TFM-650W Time Adjust Knob

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    Sony Digimatic TFM-650W Time Adjust Knob

    Hey there! I've just joined the forum. I'm restoring a Sony Digimatic TFM-650W and trying to source a time adjustment knob. Are there any resources around the net I should shop aside from eBay? I'm very new to the hobby!

    I've read that automotive pin-striping can be used to restore the chrome trim on the front fascia. How can I restore the spotting on the clear plastics? Are there any solvents I should be aware of? Thanks in advance!!

    I'll poke around the forums now and see if I can find my answers, and will report back if I do.

    I'm pleased to report I've secured a red TFM-C420 from the Japanese market. It has the knob that I needed for my TFM-C650W, but after tearing it down I've discovered that the TFM-C420 actually works! Now I'm faced with a dilemma. To repair my original TFM-C650W or restore the Blacklit TFM-C420. For now, I think I'm going to restore the TFM-C420 since all the lamps and radio features are functioning and the blacklight is just too cool. The COPAL motor seems to have a bad solder joint and I'm not quite sure how to repair that yet. Moving the cables around the joint gets the motor to power on, but it's rather inconsistent.

    Side note, is it alright to run a JDM (100V/60Hz) clock on NA (120V/60Hz) power for extended periods? There seems to be a slot for voltage adjustment, but in this TFM-C420 specimen, it appears to be missing entirely.


      To your side note, is there a label on the motor? They are usually labelled as 117v, which implies to me that you can run it on 120v with no problem for there is always a bit of a margin there since your power at home also fluctuates.

