Collectors of flip clocks world wide may run in to a little difficulty in trying to pronounce the name of the "Holy Grail of Flip Clocks" - the Solari Udine Cifra 3. In an effort to help us out, a native Italian speaker was hired (see below).

Honestly, no matter how you say it, the Cifra 3 remains one of the world's most appreciated flip clocks.

Take the time to try to pronounce "Solari Udine Cifra 3" then test yourself against the following.

How to properly pronounce Solari Undine Cifra 3

The pronunciation is something like: "So-lar-ee Oo-deen-ay Chee-fra Tray"

If you don't see the above audio player, the direct link follows:
pronunciation of Cifra 3

Flip Clockus Giganticus (ok I made that up)
One of the interesting historical facts I uncovered regards the city of Pesariis, in the province of Udine, were the Solari name became established in 1725.

Clocks manufactured by the local factory of the Fratelli Solari (Solari Brothers), can be found worldwide in bell towers, town halls and railway stations. Pesariis is known for it's clocks throughout the town - bell tower clocks, water clocks and striking clocks, sun dials, pendulum clocks, and others. Some have taken to call Pesariis the "Village of the clocks."

The town boasts what can be called an open-air museum or a walking tour of clocks.

Fascinating to me on this tour is the “Orologio a palette giganti”, which translates to "Giant Flip Clock." It's been there for years but this is the first time I've ever heard of it. Awesome.